Prime Horizontal

Prime Horizontal is happy to provide the ABIA!

October 12, 2022 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Do read the article  on the #ABIA (At Bit Inclination Assembly). Thank you for the mention Trenchless Technology Magazine, Prime Horizontal is happy to be of service! Click on the thumbnails to get to the article, download the brochure or to visit the ABIA webpage.

#CreatingConfidencefromEntrytoExit #innovationandexperience




Klostermansfeld Railway Crossing

September 22, 2022 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Railway Crossing in south of Klostermansfeld, Germany.

Tracking used: Surface coil
Distance: 104.75m
Depth: 6m
Horizontal Curve: Straight crossing
Entry Angle: 13deg
Exit Angle: 14deg
Ground: Stiff clay
Pipeline: 225mm HDPE
Technique: Prime Horizontal supplied 3 ¾” Mud motor, 4 1/8” Assembly & 6 ½” #MilledTooth Bit
From the beginning #drilling through clay, getting stiffer/harder as we were going deeper. Prime Horizontal’s #MudMotor performed really well. The end reason was to pull through electric cables under the railway tracks.

Stargard Railway Crossing

March 17, 2022 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Mueritz16073581BurgStargard Luftbild

Burg- Stargard, Germany
Distance: 385m
Depth: 13m
Product pipe: HDPE 160 m
Entry / Exit Angle: 13° , 13°
Tracking Used: #ParaTrack-2
Technique used: #Jetting




Another #successful project performed under a railway line, in Germany. On this project an 80Ton rig was utilized. The ground was full of gravel and stones rendering this a difficult job.
On the plan view, there was a recorded 5° angle in Entry and 5° angle on Exit.

#PrimeHorizontal#HDD #teamworkmakesthedreamwork







Doctors Without Borders

August 4, 2015 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
For some years now, Prime Horizontal has contributed a percentage of every dollar received to Doctors without Borders, Medecins sans Frontiers. As an international company, when looking for a social cause for contributions, I considered that the work done by these doctors, in many of the worlds most difficult areas in times of emergencies, was the perfect fit for Prime. We are proud to place their contact information on our site to take you direct to their website should you wish to know more about them or wish to contribute yourselves.

Shock Tooling for Motor Drilling is Now Provided

July 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Prime Horizontal is proud to announce the provision of shock tooling for motor drilling for HDD applications for sale or rental. Our rental fleet of shock tools are all serviced in-house by our specialist and experienced technicians based in Beverwijk, Netherlands. The use of shock tools when drilling with a mud motor reduces vibration on the drill string and helps keep a constant weight on bit. This reduces shocks to the drill bit which prolongs bit life and optimizes the rate of penetration.

Four intersects for a CBM Project in Scotland are Completed

July 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Prime Horizontal is pleased to announce the recent successful completion of 4 active ranging intersects for a coal bed methane (CBM) project in Scotland using the Rotating Magnetic Ranging System (RMRS). A previous test well completed in 2012 was the first such active ranging intersect in the British Isles, and was the first use of this technology for a CBM project in Europe. The four intersects were completed in under two weeks, which represents a considerable time saving for the client compared to the alternative technology that involves passive ranging and sidetracks to make the intersect.

Intersect Drilling Pioneered by Prime Horizontal

November 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Since 2003 Prime has pioneered underground intersect drilling, in which pilot holes are drilled from both the entry side of a crossing and the exit side of a crossing usually simultaneously with two drill rigs and meet underground in the middle of the track. To date Prime’s track record is a 100% success rate having completed more than 50 intersect projects, setting several world records along the way. Prime has completed intersect projects with heavy gravels on both sides of a crossing, to lower annular pressures in alluvial formations and to complete long reach HDD projects (more than 1,000 meter lengths).

Prime Horizontal Introduces New ProData Service

November 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Prime Horizontal has developed a cost effective system, called ProData, specifically for the HDD industry for measuring drilling parameters and displaying them at the rig and in client offices. This system is designed to eliminate the gap between on-site operations and office management. The basic sensor package consists of the measurements of push/pull, torque, carriage position and speed, drill rotational speed and mud pressure at the rig. Rig data are sent from a GPRS modem to a highly secure database. A separate server, linked to this database, acts as the web portal to the client. The client interface is extremely user friendly and customizable.

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