Prime Horizontal

Edmonton Legislature Building- Power Upgrade

September 7, 2022 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Short ones are the tricky ones.  

Tracking used: #ParaTrack2  
Location: Downtown Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  

Distance: 250m (820 ft)  

Depth: 20m (66 ft)  

Horizontal Curve: 19.23deg  

Entry Angle: 13deg  

Exit Angle: 4deg  

Ground: Sand/Gravel/Clay  

Pipeline: 18inch HDPE  

#MudMotor (90%) and #Jetting (the last 10%)  

We were contacted to do a special project for which was #complex in nature. The project was in the hustling bustling downtown area of Edmonton City.   

A Power #Upgrade required 2 power lines to be installed under the Alberta Legislature Grounds. Both drills were designed to have 4m lateral separation. Tight spaces were the prime feature of this job.   

An entry pad was specially built which could only accommodate the drill rig & nothing else. The Exit point was located 3 floors down in a Car Park. 32-inch-wide holes were tactically drilled out of the concrete of the parking wall, to enable the BHA to poke through.   

There was no room for error. The challenge was accepted and both times we hit the target dead center. The combination of compound curves and constantly changing ground geology added to the challenge. Together with the dedication and teamwork of Omni Directional Boring LP and Prime Horizontal, both bores were completed, and the product was pulled in safely.   

#ThankYou for the mention 

Read more here!

#innovationandexperience #teamworkmakesthedreamwork  







One Comment on "Edmonton Legislature Building- Power Upgrade"

  1. Casselman on Sat, 29th Oct 2022 5:45 am 

    I definitely agree. When it comes to these types of projects, there should be no room for error. Fortunately, your team was able to accept the challenge and hit the target dead center. Using the combination of compound curves and continuously changing ground geology included the challenge.

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