Prime Horizontal

100° Right Horizontal curve

May 18, 2022 by  
Filed under Prime Blog

Kudos on a #successful job completed with #ParaTrack#GyroModule together with a #MudMotor assembly for the reorganization of 30kV cables in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tracking used: 100m surface coil at entry side, #LFB to check position before we reached exit side.
Distance: 630.11m
Depth: 16m under seabed, 24m under sea level
Horizontal Curve: 100deg Right
Entry Angle: 12deg
Exit Angle: 19deg
Ground: Backfilled ground, clay and limestone
Pipeline: 315mm HDPE
Technique: 4 ¾” Mud Motor, 6 1/2” TCI Bit
Job Description:
Challenging project crossing a wide harbor to lay a 30kV line between a power plant and a wastewater treatment plant.
Started in the north side, close to the power plant.
Drilling straight parallel to the main road (100m surface coil). 80m after reaching the water edge, started a right turn (100 deg) until the end. Punching out just 20m after reaching exit side.
Limestone started 20m below sea level. On the way down we had some spots with bad ground (stones or gravel). On the way up, last 40-50m ground was extremely soft, in spite of this we managed to punch out successfully!




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