Best Project Design Award Recipient at the IndSTT

Drilling through the impossible
Prime Horizontal would like to recognise and congratulate its partner NRP Projects Private Limited, the recipient of the IndSTT (Indian Society of Trenchless Technology) Trenchless Excellence Awards 2023 No-Dig 2023 IndSTT that took place in Chennai December 2023.
The project is India’s longest HDD ParaTrack Intersect crossing to date, of over 4 kilometres (4102 meters) by installing a 24” pipeline under the Brahmaputra River, India, Surpassing the previous record of 4,088 meters for the longest HDD installation of 6” conduit pipe, also by Prime Horizontal & NRP Projects.

Kudos to all involved on the undertaking of such an internationally prominent project that has broken many records on an impressive scale.
The categories where this project was nominated were:
- Achievement Award for Best Project
- Achievement Award for Trenchless Project Design
- Achievement Award for Project Management
- Best Professionally Managed Company (Category -II)
#Congratulations #PrimeHorizontal #TheOriginalIntersectCompany #25Years #HDDInnovationandExperience #ParaTrack